Cryptogaming nasıl gelişebilir?
Recently, representatives of the startup MultiversX, which were previously under the Elrdon brand, announced the direction in which their metaverse will move. MultiversX said they will be working on an economic system to improve crypto gaming and make applications that will help improve the project. With the help of new additional applications, they want to create a unified digital reality that will revolutionize the way users think about the acceptance of everyday life in the metaverses.
The development of this area has been discussed on the Internet for a long time and, for example, Mark Zuckerberg invests so much money in the sector of virtual universes that he jeopardizes his reputation and the future of the company.

Earlier it became known that another metaverse project DEX Maiar is on the verge of turning its project into a full-fledged metaverse application. Their digital wallet for large-scale cryptocurrency payments can give users the ability to exchange digital assets and store them securely on a mobile phone. Maiar also decided to rebrand and will now be called xExchange. Their decisions in the field of cryptogaming can be decisive in the development of the Metaverse sector.
Representatives of xPortal, who also improve the scope of the metaverse, did not stand aside. Representatives of this project said that they want to create a bridge between the physical and virtual worlds and be in the role of a platform that will help players create avatars to immerse themselves in the digital universe. According to cryptogaming analysts, the product that xPortal is developing, although they are at an early stage in the development of their universe, already shows powerful potential, which can become a strong foundation for the evolution of MultiversX in the future.

The relatively new sector in the cryptocurrency space requires new ways to communicate, which translates into ways for users to show their creativity and help players interact with each other using real money.
The developers report expanding the standard set of utilities and tools that will help users interact directly with real money, which can really bring the connection between the real and virtual worlds to a new level. Experts report that user avatars are not just their alter egos, but also, in some way, digital passports in the world of the metaverses. Avatars can enable new user experiences and interactions with each other.
Cryptogaming is getting closer and closer to classic gaming every year. So recently, Rockstar Games announced that they support the idea of \u200b\u200bsupporting creativity in the field of non-fungible tokens (NFT), but they want users not to abuse this and prohibit players from trading crypto assets on their game servers. Earlier, journalists found out that the new agreement between Strauss Zelnick, the head of the Take-Two publishing house that distributes the GTA series of games, and the company where he works, implies bonuses from the sale of cryptocurrency assets in games. This leaves the possibility of adding them to the next numbered part of Grand Theft Auto.

Another game studio, Ubisoft, even wanted to add NFT tokens to their games so that users could exchange not just in-game things, but also join the cryptocurrency culture. The players protested and the French company had to abandon such an idea. The developers of STALKER 2 were also involved in the same story, who also wanted to add support for NFT tokens to their game, but subsequently did not implement the idea in their title.

Many users have different attitudes towards the metaverses, but it seems that it is not worth denying that in the future players will move to virtual worlds. In recent years, more and more titles are acquiring VR versions, which for now just give users a look at the game from a new perspective and immerse themselves in gaming, so to speak "with their heads". Examples include Fallout 4 and TES V Skyrim.

In the future, metaverses may take the gaming industry to the next level by actively interacting the game economy with the real world.
In addition, now in the world there are already many games with the Play2Earn model, which are aimed at ensuring that users can not only play games, but also earn money there. A striking example of this was the Axie Infinity project, which at its peak not only gave investors great profits, but also freed up many jobs in the real world in some countries, as gamers realized that they could earn as much in the game as in life.