Film uyarlamasının ilk bölümü bugün The Last of Us tarafından HBO yayınlandı
On the night of January 15-16, the first series of the film adaptation of the masterpiece of the video game industry, The Last of Us , was released . The series was filmed by HBO . The show is available on the streaming service HBO Max . We previously reported that Ubisoft has rescheduled Skull and Bones yet again .
The first episode of the long-awaited series received extremely high ratings. The episode was liked by both critics and viewers. Currently on RottenTomatoes, The Last of Us has a score of 99% from critics based on 91 reviews and 96% from viewers based on 1444 reviews.

The original The Last of Us was released in 2013 on the PlayStation 3. The game has gained a cult following due to its story, deep characters, acting and colorful graphics. The game was later re-released on the PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 5. The release of the brainchild from Naughty Dog on PC is scheduled for March 3rd, 2023 on Steam.
The story tells about the adventures of Joel and the girl Ellie, who are trying to survive and complete one task in a world that has been gripped by a pandemic of cordyceps, an infectious fungus that takes control of the human nervous system and mind.
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