Elden Ring Unveils Sightings of Dark Souls' Legendary Giant Dad
An inventive Elden Ring player has uncovered a hidden gem: the Giant Dad build, a legendary character from Dark Souls that has become an iconic meme. The Giant Dad build, known for its dominance in Dark Souls PvP, has made its way into Elden Ring, adding a nostalgic touch to the game. The player showcased the build on Reddit, garnering attention and sparking conversations among fans of both games.
Elden Ring offers players extensive customization options, allowing them to create unique and unconventional builds. In this case, the player showcased their jar tank build, summoning the spirits of living jars for assistance during battles. However, it was the encounter with the Giant Dad build that stole the spotlight.
The Elden Ring Giant Dad build closely resembles its Dark Souls counterpart, emphasizing high endurance, vitality, and strength stats for maximum durability and agility. The player's character was adorned with the Olivinus Glintstone Crown and Tree Sentinel armor set, possibly wielding the Zweihander and Catch Flame weapons, according to comments from fellow fans.

To recreate the Giant Dad build in Elden Ring, players must acquire the formidable Zweihander, a colossal sword found in the far west of the Weeping Peninsula. Additionally, the Tree Sentinel armor set, renowned for its exceptional physical and fire defenses, can be obtained from the Auriza Hero's Grave. Completing the build requires the Olivinus Glintstone Crown, located in the Academy of Raya Lucaria.
As Elden Ring continues to captivate players, experimenting with various builds has become a popular strategy for conquering formidable foes. From overpowering builds to stealthy assassins, players have embraced the freedom to diversify their gameplay and breathe new life into their Elden Ring adventures.